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On January 31, 2021, Hexion Holdings Corporation announced that it has completed the sale of its Coatings and Composite businesses, which includes the epoxy specialty resins and base epoxy resins and intermediates product lines, to Westlake Chemical Corporation. For epoxy coatings and composite product inquiries, please contact customer service at or

Fines-Sta™ 100


Hydraulic Fracturing (Large)

Siliceous fines are generally loosely bound to sandstone formations and easily mobilized into the produced liquids, particularly after stimulation treatments. Their presence may lead to plugging of the pores of the formation (or screens). They may also cause the formation of stable emulsions (fines may act as nucleating centers). The net effect is short and long-term production decline or well abandonment in severe cases.

Our Fines-Sta™ 100 fines control agent is used to address fines migration challenges associated with siliceous rocks. In particular, it is used for fines encountered in crude oil production or generated as a result of hydraulic fracturing or sandstone acidizing. Such treatment can result in a significant increase in the productivity and stabilization of the well, typically for a long period of time (several years in some cases). The Fines-Sta 100 fines control agent can also reduce maintenance costs.

Key Features and Typical Benefits

  • Powerful impact on siliceous fines consolidation
  • May be used either during well completion or stimulation
  • Reduces excessive mineral dissolution by hydrofluoric acid (HF) when used during acid jobs.

Typical Properties

Property Standard Value Unit Test Method
Color Light Yellow
Flash Point 212 [100] °F [°C] Pensky-Martens, Closed Cup, ASTM D-93
Physical Form Clear Liquid
Solubility See How to Use Section
Specific Gravity at 77°F 1.076
Viscosity at 68°F [20°C] 4 cP

Typical product values determined on commercial material whose properties might vary within the specification limits. Typical product data values should not be used as specifications. Assistance and specifications are available from Hexion.

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